Emergency 911 Service
In North America, when you dial 911 from a fixed-line or cellular telephone, it is routed to Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in your locale. If your call originates from a fix-line telephone, the physical address of the phone is displayed on the dispatcher's console. In the case of mobile/cellular calls, your location is approximated, based on your registered physical address and geographical data supplied by the cellular towers.
Internet telephony (VoIP) presents a unique problem for 911 service providers because calls can originate from anywhere in the world via the Internet. The e911 (enhanced 911) service was created to deal with this problem. e911 systems allows users to register their physical addresses to their out-bound caller IDs.
Registering for e911 is not manditory. However, if you do not register for this service, you will not be able to make 911 calls from your VoIP account.
If you are replacing your fixed-line (business or residential) telephone lines with VoIP, we recommend you register all of your outbound caller IDs for e911 service. If you are mobile, we recommend you continue to use your cellular telephone to dial emergency 911 calls.
Our e911 feature is 100% compliant with FCC and CRTC regulations. There is a regulatory recovery fee of $ 1.50 per month, per activated Caller ID/DID number. We charge a setup fee of US $10.00 per number., which includes a regulatory activation fee of US $1.50.